What is raisedUP?

raised Up logoStudies have shown that 70% of Christian raised young adults walk away from their faith shortly after graduating from high school. That means that only 30% continue their walk with Christ as young adults.

We are informing people about this problem, and challenging parents of preschool, elementary, junior high and high school students to intentionally prepare their children for the ultimate day when they graduate from high school—a time when they will be on their own, and will be responsible for their own decisions.  Will they be among the 70% that walk away from God, or the 30% that stay in a relationship with Jesus Christ?  What are you as parents doing right now to prepare them for that ultimate day?

Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it." What does it mean to "Train up a child in the way he should go?" As a parent, what steps can you take now, when your child is young, to prepare them?

Young Adults of Worth Ministries is bringing awareness to the issue, and we are challenging parents to intentionally train their children starting at a young age, in "the way they should go." We are calling them to parent in a Biblical way, not just on Sunday mornings, but all of the time.

We hope to help you in this journey, by providing Biblical guidance on what you can do to increase the chances of your child ending up in the 30%. No one can give you a magic formula or a guarantee; however, God gives us lots of parenting principles in His word.  He does let us know what it means to "Train up a child in the way he should go."

raisedUP Articles

Below are recent articles from our blog to help you parent your child toward being part of the 30% that continue to walk with Christ as young adults.

Fathers Imparting Wisdom

I love the verse that says, “In the world you will have an easy time.” No wait!  In John 16:33 Jesus said, “Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.”  And in Acts 14:22 it says “reminding them that we must suffer many hardships to enter the Kingdom of God.”  I don’t like the word […]

I’m Sorry

In 1970, a beautiful movie, called “Love Story”, starring Ryan O’Neil and Ali McGraw, was released.  A most memorable line in the film was the phrase, “love means you never have to say I’m sorry.”  It became a popular mantra among idealistic young lovers. In my view the phrase is greatly misleading.  I have been […]

A Trip to Remember

MANY years ago, my family went on a long awaited and cherished vacation.  Our destination was to visit relatives and other historical sites, around eight hours away.  Travelling by our old Chevy Impala was our mode of transportation.  On the day before our vacation, my parents were involved in the prized church picnic.  My siblings and […]


You know that ‘miracle’ story? The one where they prayed for belief and their friend came to believe. The one where they asked for healing and the illness was gone. The one where they prayed for a child and a womb was filled. These are the stories we tend to hear, the stories we tend […]

Omnipotent God

The word omnipotent comes from “omni” meaning “all” and “potent” meaning “power.” God is the only being who possesses omnipotence.

I almost feel like I shouldn’t have to write about this. If you have been a Christian a while and have read the Bible, you have heard and seen countless examples of God’s mighty / unlimited power. However, this is a parenting blog. So the real question isn’t whether you know God is omnipotent, but does your children know and believe?


The Power of Forgiveness

If you are breathing, you have been hurt or offended. Someone has wronged you in some capacity because we live with flawed people in an imperfect world. Yet we are instructed in wisdom literature to “… refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil.” (Psalm 37:8, NIV) Forgiving is a process. It is not a single simple step. To forgive involves conscious, calculated choices to change your feelings, thoughts and actions toward the offender. Learn 4 steps in the process to forgiving.

True or Fake News

Today, many unsettling flashes of information meander across our paths through diverse avenues of media.  As parents, how do we react to good or bad news? Listening and watching the news, distinctly declares the aspirations of individuals asserting their rights. Many are stories with hidden agendas, crafted to try to make us feel or act a certain way. Many emotions drift around, as we try to determine what does this all mean and what is the truth.

God’s Love Language

You know the love languages book? The one with 5 love languages that teaches you how to express your love better by Gary Chapman? Great book, I read the original and really enjoyed it. They also have one adjusted for parents as well as one for employers, and a slew of others. Well the premise of the whole idea is that there are 5 love languages through which we all interpret love and express love: words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch. So how does God most readily receive our love? Or put another way, how can we best show love to God?  In the context of the 5 love languages, would it be….

Omnipresent God

The proof of this characteristic of God is found throughout the Bible, but it seems that not many pastors preach specifically about it, and too few Christians actually think much about it. Maybe it is because our limited, finite human minds struggle to grasp the vastness and greatness of God. I too struggle and surely do not have everything figured out.

Omnipresent means present everywhere at the same time. The Bible teaches that God is everywhere at all times. That means there is no place you can go that He is not there, and there is no time you can be in where He is not there.

Be Wise and Use a Time-Out

One of the most common mistakes that people make during relational conflicts is refusing to use time-out procedures.  People often stay in a distressing situation much too long.  For example, two people disagree and begin to argue.  They verbalize uncomfortable and upsetting words while anger escalates in both individuals.  Each person feels compelled to express personal viewpoints in an attempt to be heard and understood.  Both are convinced that his or her perceptions are accurate.  Their sense of powerlessness increases and anger escalates.  If one of them does not