What is raisedUP?

raised Up logoStudies have shown that 70% of Christian raised young adults walk away from their faith shortly after graduating from high school. That means that only 30% continue their walk with Christ as young adults.

We are informing people about this problem, and challenging parents of preschool, elementary, junior high and high school students to intentionally prepare their children for the ultimate day when they graduate from high school—a time when they will be on their own, and will be responsible for their own decisions.  Will they be among the 70% that walk away from God, or the 30% that stay in a relationship with Jesus Christ?  What are you as parents doing right now to prepare them for that ultimate day?

Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it." What does it mean to "Train up a child in the way he should go?" As a parent, what steps can you take now, when your child is young, to prepare them?

Young Adults of Worth Ministries is bringing awareness to the issue, and we are challenging parents to intentionally train their children starting at a young age, in "the way they should go." We are calling them to parent in a Biblical way, not just on Sunday mornings, but all of the time.

We hope to help you in this journey, by providing Biblical guidance on what you can do to increase the chances of your child ending up in the 30%. No one can give you a magic formula or a guarantee; however, God gives us lots of parenting principles in His word.  He does let us know what it means to "Train up a child in the way he should go."

raisedUP Articles

Below are recent articles from our blog to help you parent your child toward being part of the 30% that continue to walk with Christ as young adults.

Expose Your Failures

As Christians, we tend to have the mistaken belief that we have to appear perfect to our children, and act like we have it all together.  We also act like we did no wrong when we were their age. Growing up, I didn’t know much about my parent’s past mistakes.  I guess I didn’t think about it much, and […]

Graduation, Is Our Parenting Over?

Today graduation is a sign of achievement and change, but it doesn’t always mean that the learning is over. On the outside, we see bright shiny faces of a student body with caps and gowns.  The inside is completely different.  Decisions for the future bring joyous and anxious thoughts.  Whether fear or excitement, things are […]

Not Your Buddy

It seems more and more that fathers are overly concerned about befriending their sons, rather than being the father God desires them to be. It is good to have fun with your children, and to play with them.  Spending time together reaffirms to your children that you care for them, and that you love them.  Someone wise […]

What is Love?

In a 1970 romantic drama called Love Story, Jenny made a statement to Oliver, “Love is never having to say you are sorry.” How ironic?  Love, or at least a like for another, always grows when an apology is given from one person to another. What does “never having to say you are sorry” mean?  Is anything of […]

Is Spanking OK?

WARNING:  To some, this material may be considered politically incorrect, intolerant, bad parenting or down right child abuse. Discipline is the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience. Spanking is a type of corporal punishment involving the act of striking the buttocks of another person to cause physical pain, generally with an open […]

Truth or Fiction?

There is one particular story stays with me.  It is most memorable because it is so unbelievable. My husband was away on a business trip in Texas.  Our son and I were home in Pennsylvania.  My normal daily routine consisted of getting myself ready for work and then waking up our son.  This winter day […]

Love Is a Decision… Not a Feeling

I think it is important to teach our children about love.  We all love our children, and they can tell we love them, but are we really teaching them what true love is? I remember back when my wife and I got married.  The wedding vows were said, but I didn’t grasp what they really meant […]

Parenting Toward the 30% – Listening Well

This was one of those times when we learned from a great theologian, our three year old. The life of our three year old had just been changed dramatically.  We had just moved from a smaller house in the city, to a larger house in the country.  Sleeping in a new room disrupted his young […]

Parenting Toward the 30% – Arguing in front of your kids

Our parents did it to us, and so we did it to our child.  You know, when you acted up, your parents used to count “One… Two… Three…”   You knew that you had better shape up before they got to three, or you were going to face the consequences. At an early age, we trained our […]

Parenting Toward the 30% – What Do We Do After Easter?

According to a Webster dictionary, Easter is the Christian festival observed on a Sunday in March or April in commemoration of the Resurrection of Christ. Resurrection, also found in Webster, states the rising of Christ from the dead as one of the meanings.  Is Easter just another holiday, and how does it affect you ongoing? […]