After Valentine’s Day Love

Valentine’s Day is always thought of as a day of Love! When reading history, the beginning of this day started in human love for someone of the opposite sex. Although love was introduced earlier by God with His creation of humans. The special bond between God and man is often forgotten. Without God’s great love for His creation, we would not even have another human to love. As sin entered the world, twisting the meaning of love for man, mankind slithered away from God. However, God decided to patiently wait on the sidelines. He did not forget, and wanted to bring our love journeys back to Him. That day would arrive with much cost for Him.

February 14th sparks good and bad memories for everyone. I was reading about a very special memory of Valentine’s Day for someone. Pictures of an unforgettable evening came to mind. A close friend arranged a very special evening for 2 single friends. He wanted to change the very bad opinion of this holiday for them and introduced it another way. He chose to place God at the center, sending His only son, Jesus, to the cross for all our sins, proving God was not on the sidelines. Proverbs 17:17 became important for the 3 friends. It had never occurred that God had orchestrated a change of viewpoint on this day.

A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need. Proverbs 17:17 NLT

It is time that we look at what God’s love did for all of us. How did you meet God? Do your children know? Hearing about God from someone else is a huge blessing, but most of the time they would like to hear personally from you. What interruptions did God allow in your life so you could see Him more clearly? There is something about listening to your mom and dad, especially when it does not include discipline. Converse with them. You might be surprised at what they know! Start asking them questions. What days stand out to them? Why are they important? Is it a good or bad memory? Where does love fit in the picture? It might just become a great lesson on God’s Love shared between a child and their adoring parent!

God’s Everlasting Love For All Times
Psalms 136

Posted in raisedUP.

Karen Leaman

Karen Leaman has a passion for students, and for over 30 years has been volunteering within churches and other ministries, leading and mentoring students.

Karen, and her husband Ken, have been married for 31 years, and have a 30 year old son.  They live in Allen, TX, just North of Dallas.

As Karen and Ken, repeatedly witnessed many Christian students who were active within the Church walk away from their faith shortly after graduating high school, they grew frustrated.  Studies show that about 70% of young adults leave their faith after graduation, which is a huge issue since they are the future of the Church.  After much prayer and searching God's direction for many years, the Leaman's felt His calling to start a ministry to address this problem.  In 2014, they gathered like minded Christian professionals to help begin Young Adults of Worth Ministries.  We believe that this ministry is from God, and it will be blessed by Him for His glory alone.