Thankful For Differences

Each year as Thanksgiving approaches, reasons for the special day fill my mind with thoughts of gratitude. Those same feelings led the first American settlers to thank God for their new land, food and friends. They celebrated together with a feast. This dinner came to be known as the first Thanksgiving meal. Moving to another country had presented many obstacles to overcome, but that did not stop them! Their new home provided new challenges, but their faith in God gave them a way to succeed. Thinking of them is a clear reminder for me to be thankful.

What Are You Thankful For?

Thanksgiving has come and gone, but what makes you thankful? Let us look at the history of this special day. In September of 1620, a small ship called the Mayflower left Plymouth, England, carrying 102 passengers, so that they could freely practice their faith, or the promise of land ownership and prosperity in the New […]