X-Plan: Giving Your Kids a Way Out

I recently read an article that is just too good not to share it with you.  It is from Bert Fulks who is a Christian with years of experience in student ministry. The article explains an effective and creative way to give you children a way out when they get into a troublesome situation. This […]


Who’s Your Hero?

Abraham, venturing into the unknown Moses, leading a stiff-necked people Ruth, forging her way through poverty David, facing Goliath Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, enduring the fiery furnace Daniel, thrown in to a den of lions These are the stories our children hear, the “heroes of faith”.  But they are not the hero. Harold and the […]

What Are You Thankful For?

Thanksgiving has come and gone, but what makes you thankful? Let us look at the history of this special day. In September of 1620, a small ship called the Mayflower left Plymouth, England, carrying 102 passengers, so that they could freely practice their faith, or the promise of land ownership and prosperity in the New […]

Dirty Little Half-Truths

Half-truth: A statement that conveys only part of the truth, especially one used deliberately in order to deceive someone. A statement that mingles truth and falsehood with deliberate intent to deceive. A statement that is only partly true and that is intended to deceive people. So a half-truth uses what is technically true, but with […]