Any type of change can drag up old memories. Then our memories bring up unfinished dreams. These aspirations line the walls of our minds. The added thought of what we should do as a Christian also invades our thoughts.
Then once again, the Lord speaks to us. Whatever the memory, God is right there with us. Our trips down memory lane bring up different happenings, but He is the Good Shepherd and we are His sheep. That places our Creator sovereignly in front of us. He is the Creator and we are His creation.
However, did you ever wonder what God was doing or maybe you just did not want to see things His way. Your plan was better, but the Lord obviously disagreed. Being a child of God does not mean we always follow Him obediently. Sometimes we still want to do things our way.
Spending a night in the belly of a huge fish softened Jonah’s heart. He ran away, because he did not want God to use him to save the Ninevites. God had to take him to a point of desperation, where he prayed to the Lord to be rescued! Then Jonah was willing to obey.
Please read this story in Jonah 1-4.
God has proven He is with us wherever we are, even when we disobey Him. He was right with Jonah in the belly of a fish. That means we can call upon our Father wherever. Do our children know that?
Jonah disobeyed God, but then followed Him. We too disobey at times, but God is faithful to forgive us and to nudge us to do His will. Sometimes that is discipline, and other times a push in the right direction. Our children need to understand that we all make mistakes, and even at times disobey God, but God still loves us and is faithful to us. We just need to repent right away, and ask for His forgiveness.