Parenting Toward the 30% – Divorce is Not an Option!
You’re probably saying, “Ken, why the heck are you blogging about divorce on Easter Sunday?” Well by the end of this article, you’ll know why. But first I have to get personal, and tell you about the difficulties my wife, Karen, and I had when we were first married. You see our first few years […]
Parenting Toward the 30% – Parenting is Hard, but be Encouraged
New life always brings hope for the future, and everyone is quickly excited for the baby’s birth. That excitement wanes as the child becomes older. The infant grows up taking on his or her own identity, and in the teen years they start to demand that others treat them as mature; therein lies the problem. […]
Parenting Toward the 30% – Parent’s Faith Effects Child’s
Trying to lead your children in “the way they should go” as Proverbs 22:6 says, starts with the parents. Children will observe their parents faith, and determine how real it is, and if it is authentic or not. In over 23 years in student ministry, a lot of examples come to mind. One were Parents […]