God’s Discipline, Our Discipline

Disciplining our children is hard. It is something we don’t want or like to do. If you enjoy it, something is wrong, as that is not the example of discipline our heavenly Father shows us. God is our example and He is the only one we should follow. God is our heavenly Father, and we are His earthly children. We should discipline our children in the same way that God disciplines us. We should not shy way from doing it, as it is our parental obligation to ensure our children are raised correctly. In that way, they will respect their parents, and have a proper view of God, our heavenly Father.


Jesus said we are to be the Salt and Light of the World. But what does that really mean, and how can we live that way in today’s world. In my prior blog I discussed Salt, and so now let’s look at what it means to be the Light of the World.


Jesus used the concepts of salt and light a number of different times to refer to the role of His followers in the world. Salt has been critical in life and civilizations, but why is this mineral so much more critical to life then other minerals found around the world? It is estimated that there are more then 14,000 different uses for salt! There are cooking, cleaning, health and many other benefits to using salt. All the uses I could find online are positive and beneficial. So let’s look into why Jesus said we are to be like salt.

You Are Special

As we approach Christmas, I think of an important thing we can teach our children. It is important to constantly remind them that they are special, and are uniquely and wonderfully made by God. We tell our son that we love him just about every day, and most days more than once. This has been something we started when he was a baby, and continues to this day now that he is 25 years old. We feel this is one of the most important things we can do as a parent; to constantly remind them that we love them no matter what they do, say, or fail at. Around this time of year


We have all seen it. We are at the mall and we see a kid complaining to his parent about not being able to buy something. The kid complains, pouts, and sometimes has a temper tantrum. I know when I was a kid, I complained many times when I didn’t get something I wanted, or didn’t get my way. I even had a few temper tantrums. Complaining is not just problem with children, but also adults can fall into that mindset.


Around this time of year, as we enter the Christmas season, we see and hear the word ‘Joy’ more often than normal. We see it in Christmas decorations, and we hear songs like ‘Joy to the world.’ It is so common that we don’t think much about joy’s true meaning, and how we can obtain it. Let’s do some research, so we won’t miss out on Joy this Christmas.

Earthly Parents vs Our Heavenly Father

Good parents love their children, unconditionally. They would do almost anything for them. They give their children want they can afford to give. They provide for not only their children’s needs, but also many wants. And, they do all of this even though their children sometimes misbehave and are ungrateful.

Children are not shy about asking their parents for the things they want. They ask, we say no. They do not let the initial “no” deter them, so they keep on asking. Over and over and over until they wear us out. So we give in and give them what they want. This is because we love our children, and we want to see them happy.

Jesus said the below in which He encourages us to keep asking. Unlike us earthly parents, who want our children to stop asking when we say no, God is encourages us to keep asking.

Life in the Last Days

Most scholars believe that we are in the last days. The Bible says a lot of things about these times, which is when Christ’s return is near. He will take believers up to be with Him, and will setup His church on Earth. In 2 Timothy, Paul tells us what it will be like in the last days, including how people will be lovers of self.

5 Reason People Leave the Church

Our Young Adults of Worth Ministries was founded to address the issue of young adults leaving their faith shortly after graduating High School.  So the topic of why people leave the church, is near and dear to us. Andy Stanley recently wrote an interesting article, giving some reasons why people leave the church.