In today’s culture, the traditional family is being attacked. It has become harder and harder for parents to know how to raise their children.
Parent Compass has created videos showing real families, going through real struggles. Below is from Parent Compass’ website.
The family today is being tossed like the sea. The more involved we are in our world, our culture, and new technology the greater the waves and the storm. As parents it is hard to see where we are going! It can seem like a sinking ship! In the Parent Compass series, families have been battered by the storm. They have been through easy times, but also hard times where there seems to be no way out. Yet, they have found peace, joy, love and hope!
What is it that all these families have in common? Their Compass! It navigates bringing light in spite of the darkest darkness.
Life and parenting can be hard. Parent Compass episodes are real stories from real parents who by choice are pointed in the right direction.
Parent Compass just came out with a new video, premiering their second season. If you are a parent or grandparent, we highly suggest you watch it. Click here to see it.
To see episodes from season one, click here.