1. Connect Us to Your Church
We would like to be introduced to your pastor responsible for young adults or for missions, so we can tell them about this ministry. We need to partner with 30 Evangelical Churches, so we can assist each other with our young adult ministries. Will you please introduce us to your church?
2. Volunteer
We are looking for volunteers, to help us contact local churches to tell them about our ministry. If you, or someone you know, would like to help us out, please let us know.
We need some volunteers to help man our booth at Celebrate Freedom, handing out YAoW fliers, and getting people to sign up for our email list. Our booth will be located inside a building, so you won’t be in the sun. If you are interested in helping us out for a few hours that day, let us know as soon as possible.
3. Pray
Please continue to pray for us. It is very hard starting a new ministry, and at times very stressful. Please pray that God will bring people along side us to help… Pray that He will provide the resources necessary… Pray that He will be glorified in everything we do…
4. Donations
Our marketing spend is increasing as we try to raise awareness. In addition to the marketing, legal, and accounting fees, we also have young adults at our house once or twice per week. We always provide food and drinks, so it gets costly.
In addition to the above, we need your help to raise $200,000 to open our first facility in North Dallas. 500 individuals giving only $35/month on average will allow us to meet our goals. Will you be one of them?
Please Donate Now. No amount is too small, and you can give a one-time donation or a monthly recurring. You will receive an emailed receipt for tax deduction purposes. God bless you, and thanks for your prayers and support.