Young Adults of Worth Ministries missed the cutoff date for the North Texas Giving Day!
So unfortunately, we are not a part of this great event. However, we do ask that you prayerfully consider helping to financially support our ministry.
YAoW Ministries is a 501c3 non-profit that was founded to address the growing statistic that 70% of Christian raised young adults walk away from their faith shortly after graduating high school. They aren’t some unknown people in a distant 3rd world country. They are our sons and our daughters. They are the future of the church. YAoW is doing these things to help reduce this staggering and often ignored statistic.
Giving parents Biblical advice on training their children in the way they should go, as stated in Proverbs 22:6. Study’s show that 70% of Christian raised young adults walk away from their faith after high school, which means that only 30% stay. We encourage and challenge parents to start parenting biblically at an early age and continue through young adulthood, to increase their child’s chances of being in the 30%.
- Support and helping other young adult ministries to be successful; churches and college ministries.
- Encouraging young adults to continue their walk with Christ towards maturity, by attending, participating and supporting their local church.
- Giving young adult Christians fun, safe and Godly places to hang out where they can meet other Christians, without the temptations of alcohol, drugs and sex.
We are currently raising funds to open our first facility in the North Dallas area, which will be an alternative place to what this world has to offer young adults.
It will have music, games, fun activities, food and drinks. It will be similar to a coffee house ministry where good coffee gets people in the door, and the staff and patron relationships can grow to a place where the Gospel can be shared. The difference is that the cool venue will get people in the door, and the secret/main reason for the facility is not entertainment, but rather to build relationships with young adults, so we can share the Gospel and get them plugged into a Church’s young adult group. Use the button below to join us in saving young adults for God’s glory. No donation is too small, and you can either give a one-time or monthly donation. You will receive a tax deductible emailed receipt. Thank you and may God bless your generosity.